Category Archives: Event

Special event

Merry Christmas

We had a fantastic turnout for the Christmas festivities last night and we hope you all enjoyed yourselves. For some bizarre reason, we’re not racing next Wednesday but we’re back the week after. Don’t forget to get you BRCA license renewed before your next visit to the club to avoid the disappointment of not being able to race. A reminder of the New Year Calendar is below. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all and we look forward to racing again in the next decade 😉

Festive Season Race Calendar

4/12/19Week 14 / Truck Week
11/12/19Week 15
18/12/19Christmas Meeting
25/12/19 Christmas Day – No Race Meeting…
1/1/20New Year’s Day – Non-championship Week 1 / NOT TRUCK WEEK / 2020 BRCA Membership Required
8/1/20Non-championship Week 2 / Truck Week Round 1
15/1/20 Non-championship Week 3
22/1/20 Non-championship Week 4
29//1/20New Championship Week 1

Merry Christmas

Well, another year has flown by which means another FORCC Christmas meeting has come and sadly gone 🙁 We hope you all enjoyed yourselves last night. Thanks to Nes and the girls for laying on another excellent buffet, thanks to eveybody that donated to the raffle and thanks to everyone that bought a little festive spirit with them for the evening 🙂 Before we get to the photos, I’ll just quickly bring up the elephant in the room, BRCA membership renewal. It’s £20 for racers or £10 for non-racers. Head over to the BRCA website, log in and renew your membership. It only takes a minute and is a mandatory requirement for racing at the FORCC and any of the other clubs in the Region. Dave will not let you race in January without presenting your 2019 membership card or proof of payment if you have not received it yet.

So that’s us done and dusted for another year. There’s no racing next week and we’re back on January the 2nd, 2019 for Truck week round 1 🙂

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year form the Faversham Off-Road Car Club

FORCC 2018-2019 Winter Series Cancelled

FORCC 2018-2019 Winter Series Cancelled

With less than 2 weeks to go to the start of the Winter Series, it is with great sadness that we are announcing the cancellation of the FORCC Winter Series for the 2018-2019 season. As most of you know, we have to book our dates nearly a year in advance and it has not worked in our favour this year. The 6 week championship became a 5 week championship when the January MKGP dates were announced as many of us (including myself and Kyle) have entered into it. 5 weeks was ok but then we found out this week that we had lost the February date too due to a mix up by the hall so we were down to 4 rounds with a 2 month gap in the middle. At this point, we had to question the viability of a best 3 out of 4 championship stretched over a 6 month period. We have not taken the decision to cancel lightly and hope you will all understand. We know that some of you will be disappointed but we also know that many of you are already planning on going to one or more of the Barham, EPR, 1066 and Essex Winter Championships. Watch this space though as we are looking at the possibility of a one off winter event and we are also going to start giving out prizes for the Wednesday night championships too so there is plenty to look forward too over the Winter season 🙂

Results Updated

There will be one more round of non-championship next week before we get back to the new and improved championships the following week 🙂

2017-2018 Winter Series Dates

Hi guys and girls, we’ve finalised the dates for the FORCC winter series 17/18 to be held at Boughton Village Hall. This year, unlike others, we only have 4 meetings in the series with best 3 from 4 to count. These will be:

  • December 17th 2017
  • January 21st 2018
  • February 18th 2018
  • March 18th 2018

(all Sundays)

We only have 4 dates as we were unable to access the hall in November and we will be holding a separate meeting in October.

Many of you will know that a great friend and supporter of the club, Les Kerry, suffered a stroke earlier in the year. We have spoken to Les’ family as a club, and have decided upon a fundraising meeting, with proceeds going towards the Kingston Rehabilitation Centre at Canterbury Hospital, where patients, including Les, receive treatment to aid their recovery. 

This fundraising meeting will be held on Sunday 1st October 2017 at Boughton Village Hall. Final details of the meeting are still being decided, but will be confirmed later towards the date.

Please feel free, regular or not, to attend this one off meeting and aid in the raising of funds for such a great cause.


BRCA Juniors & Veterans 2017

NO RACE MEETING – 6th of September 2017

There is a wedding in the hall on that day. Truck week will be postponed to the following week (13/9/17).

Results Updated

A ton of regulars missing but still 34 drivers for the evening 🙂 The championships have been updated including the missing SCT results from last week. I’m sure there are more Juniors than are currently in the champoinships so if you’re a Junior and not in the Junior championship, tell Dave when you book in and he’ll update your driver details. It was also good to see so many people pitching in at the end to clear away.

Out and about…

It’s the final 4WD Regional at Eastbourne this weekend, Stotfold National next weekend and the final 2WD Regional at Plough the weekend after that.

The Perfect Setup?

I found some annotated setup helper sheets which I thought some of you may find useful. These are not setups for Faversham but rather a nice little summary of how changing different aspects of your car might affect its handling. They are based on Xray cars but the principles would be universal. They came from and there are some other interesting guides on there too.


2WD Setup Helper Page 1 of 2

2WD Setup Helper Page 2 of 2


4WD Setup Helper Page 1 of 2

4WD Setup Helper Page 2 of 2

Juniors & Vets

So last weekend saw the first of the BRCA End of Season events – The Juniors and Veterans. It’s a 2 day event with 2WD on Saturday and 4WD on Sunday and run to the same format as the National Series (2 practices, 4 qualifiers, 3 leg A finals and 1 leg for everyone else). It’s open to Under 13’s, Under 16’s, Over 40’s and Over 50’s. A small contingent from the SouthEast Region went including Nathan, Matthew, Alfie, Stuart, Phil, Mark and George from Faversham and Shareef from EPR.

Broxtowe Juniors and Vets 2017

All our boys represented their region well. Matthew made the U13 A final on both days and even TQ’d round 1 in 4WD.

Young Alfie did a fantastic job at his first National event under the guidance of George and got quicker and quicker as the weekend progressed.

I think it would be fair to say though that the crowning glory was Mr. Nathan Ralls winning the V40 4WD title with his Xray XB4.

Well done everyone and roll on next year 🙂

I’ll leave to your imagination as to what the upstanding pillars of the community were all staring at here instead of the camera…

Week 1

Results Updated

Track_20160518The new championships started last night so it was week 1 of 15 with the best 12 to count. We’re still getting a lot of new faces walking through the door and some of those guys have now bought cars so we look forward to seeing you all on the track soon 🙂 No computer issues this week which was a nice contrast to a week ago 😡

Last Weekend…

So the hall had an open day to showcase to the locals what activities and clubs use the hall on a regular basis and we were there in force.

openday1There was a steady stream of people walking through the door and we got to show all the locals what we as a club are all about. We also found the time to have some tea and make some silly faces…

openday2Sorry Dave 😛

Then disaster strikes, and the laptop power supply dies on us thus ending our video display. Dave steps in to try and fix it first…

openday3The softly, softly approach wasn’t working so Ollie steps it up a notch…

openday4There’s nothing quite like smashing electronics with a hammer to bring a smile to your face 😉

openday6Ultimately his efforts would prove in vein, but we all appreciated the effort 🙂

openday5Oh go on Nes, give him a cuddle…

So that was our Saturday. I bet it was more exciting than yours… 😛

Merry Christmas!

Ho… Ho… Ho!

What an excellent turnout last night for the Christmas festivities. Lots of people and a ton of food 🙂 We hope you all enjoyed youselves and a huge thank you from all of us to all of you for supporting the club throughout the year! Thanks also the XtremeRC and Ralls Racing for their continued support of the club.

No racing next week and we look forward to seeing you all back 6th of January 2016 with your shiney new 2016 BRCA membership cards 😛

20151223_202121A banquet fit for a king

20151223_202152Endurance time…

20151223_202234The enchanted forest

20151223_202608Poser of the year?


20151223_203402Team spirit a plenty

20151223_203813Marshall giving a good left hook!

20151223_205027Endurance still going!

20151223_214312Your faithful servants! Thank you for wine, chockies and flowers 🙂

20151223_221750Tag team racing

20151223_194049Team 1

20151223_194132Team 2

20151223_194212Team 3 (A.K.A The winning team!)

20151223_194254Team 4

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the FORCC 🙂

Winter Series Round 6

Winter Series Results Updated

DSC_8630Thank you to everyone that supported the Winter Series this year and congratulations to all the winners. The overall results are now available online.


Double Trouble?

Results Updated

Track_20140204Not all the regular truckers were there this week and we still had 2 heats of trucks…

Winter Series Round 5

Just over a week to go until round 5.

Congratulations to Kyle…

…for beating some of Europes finest (oh, and Nathan 😉 ) over in Belgium last weekend at the Euro Indoor Race. Just to add insult to injury he does it in 2WD and 4WD. Somebody get him a short course so he can do the Triple next year 😯


Looks like you might have your own groupie there Kyle 😆

Winter Series Round 4


Results from today added and the Winter Series Championships have been updated.

WS2014R4TrackA fantastic day today and once again there were some great battles throughout the field with some of the Juniors had an exceptional day 🙂 Well done everyone and roll on Round 5 where I may live to regret buying a certain Junior some new tyres…