The first night of racing for the new championship. I have posted the final race from each heat on our Facebook page. Thank you to Jodie and Lee for filming while I marshalled and raced. Please give us feedback on anything you’d like to see more of and also feel free to share your own pictures or videos. I’ve uploaded the nights results but the link hasn’t shown the championship results, I’ll fix this soon. Thank you all for your continued support and we will see you on Wednesday. Cheers, Mark
All posts by Mark Hainsworth
Week 14 and 15
Good afternoon everyone, the results are updated for the last two weeks, my apologies for breaking the previous upload, Jon helped me correct it on Thursday. If you have Facebook access please do contribute to our post on what cars you race with and if you have any pictures or video footage please share it with us on the community tab. Thank you all for another great weeks racing, we will see you next week. Cheers, Mark.
Week 13
Wednesday nights results and the championship have been updated and uploaded. I have also uploaded a couple of vidoes taken on the night of the 2WD final heat and the 4WD final heat to our Facebook page. 2WD link to the FB video. 4WD link to the FB video.
On the night we also discussed the use of reverse gear. At official BRCA events reverse gear is banned and we are a BRCA affiliated club so we would like to follow this rule. There is also a health and safety aspect too this because marshalls being out on track to recover a car that then suddenly moves as they reach for it isn’t safe. The BRCA site talks about racing etiquette and it is fair for all of us as drivers to respect that we all wait until our car is recovered. One suggestion we have received is potentially allowing only drivers in heat 1 to use reverse because they are learning and most likely to crash and for health and safety all marshalls would know heat 1 drivers can use reverse. We are open to any feedback should you wish to discuss this with us and we can then review it further.
Week 12
Week 12 results have been updated. Our first week back in 2022 and a huge thank you from all of the team for your continued support. Unless the goverment make a substantial change to the advice we will now be running every Wednesday night under the guidelines of wearing face coverings and having the windows open at the hall. I took a few videos this week, not of full races but tried to show a little of everyones races. Please feel free to share your pictures or videos on our Facebook page, especially if you manage to catch those, oooohhh that hit the stage moments! Thank you, Mark
Week 11
Week 11 results are now updated. PLEASE note, this was our last meeting of this year given the current situation. We are really looking forward to next year and some great racing. Please keep upto date with our Facebook page, and feel free to post and share any pictures or videos of the year to help us through winter! We will update the site and Facebook of any changes given goverment advice but fingers crossed for January the 5th which will also be truck night! Have a great Christmas and New Year everyone.
Week 10
Week 10 results have been updated. My apologies for the slight delay. Please remember your BRCA licence renenwal this month, . Obviously we are hoping to continue racing alongside the guidelines of mask wearing and will continue to keep everyone updated if that changes. Thank you all for your continued support. Mark
week 9
Results updated. Please remember that December is licence renewal month. . Grab yourself a shiney new licence for next years racing! Thank you all, Mark