All posts by Jon
Week 2
Resuts Updated
Week 1
Results Updated
The 2WD and 4WD championships have now started. Short Course Trucks will run non-championship until the end of the year and then in a championship from January.
Week 5
Results Updated
That concludes Non-championship September so Week 1 of the new championships will start next week. It will also be the first Truck week next week, but that will be non-championship until the new year.
Just a reminder that 2021 BRCA membership is required and the race fees are now £3.50 Senior/£2.50 Junior
Week 3
Results Updated
Results from the first 3 weeks back are now available. Going forward, the remaining 2 weeks of September will be non-championship and we’ll get going with new championships from October 6th. Short Course will also kick off then.
Welcome Back
Hi All,
Apologies for the lack of updates since the grand re-opening but life just gets in the way sometimes. Anyway, it was great to see so many of you come back over the last couple of weeks and for those that haven’t made it back yet, we look forward to hopefully seeing you at some point in the future. So, what have you missed? Well, a couple of big announcements for starters…
Race fee increase 🙁
The club’s legendary low race fees that haven’t changed for 20 or so years are going up. The hall fees have increased every 1 to 2 years for the last 10+ years and regrettably we need to bring the race fees in line with that. This is something that we had scheduled in for last year but pandemic etc. etc. So, from this week the race fees are as follows:
Senior : £3.50
Junior : £2.50
All good things must come to an end!
Alan and myself are stepping down from running the club at the end of the year. It’s not a decision that has been taken lightly and we both have our own reasons for choosing to do so at this time. Between now and the end of the year we will be looking to establish a new committee. If we can get everything arranged without the need for an AGM, we will but if we have multiple volunteers wishing to take on specific roles then there will have to be a vote as a bare minimum.
As it stands now, the following people have put themselves forward for the following positions/roles:
Mark Hainsworth : Chairman (New)
Dave Andrews : Treasurer (Continuing)
Jodie Moon : Race Controller (Continuing)
Kyle Moon : Chief track designer (Continuing)
Nessa Moon : Catering (Continuing)
Hopefully I haven’t missed anyone out but just because someone has already put their name forward for a role, it doesn’t mean you can’t too. If more than one person puts their name forward, then it will come down to a vote. We are still looking for more people though as many hands make light work and we are specifically looking for someone to take over the website content and administration. Currently we are running a WordPress based site but if you have experience in another platform then is no reason you couldn’t switch over to that if you took the role on.
So there you have it, it’s the dawn of an exciting new age at the FORCC and it’s a great opportunity for a few people to step up and take the club into the future.
Good luck and welcome back,
Jon & Alan
Uncle Dave will be checking your BRCA memberships when you book in. Please bring your 2021 membership card or proof of membership payment with you this week.
nearly time to play again…
Update 27/8/21: 2021 BRCA membership is required to race when we return.
With less than 2 weeks to go until we open our doors again we want to let everyone know what to expect when coming back.
We want to start by saying as little as possible will be changed from our usual pre covid format. We will still be running on Astro with the same tyre restrictions etc. and the canteen will still be in place with drinks and snacks. Although we are returning on the first Wednesday of the month there will be no trucks and no set format, we will just see how busy we are and how the night goes. The first 2 weeks back will be free of charge to give people the chance to race under the new conditions and see if they are personally comfortable with them. The hall does not require individuals to wear a face mask, however the club will be fully supportive of those who chose to wear one; although it is not an enforced rule it is an entirely personal choice, and we encourage you to respect each other’s choices regards mask wearing and distancing etc. As fantastic as it will be to see everyone again we understand that not all of you will make the choice to return just yet, but we hope to see you all when you’re happy to do so.
We’ll start the night with a welcome back chat and go over any questions anyone may have. Now that all the Ts&Cs are out of the way let’s get back to some long overdue racing!
Good things come to those who wait…
Save the date folks, 1/9/2021. Details to follow…
Covid-19 Update
Hello all,
Long time, no see 🙁
We hope that Covid-19 has treated you and your families kindly and I’m sure you are just as fed up as we are with hand sanitizer and face masks 😐 The reason for the update today is that we have been in discussions with the hall in relation to when we might want to resume racing and there has also been some speculation that maybe after such a long break that we may never return at all!
So, in reverse order, let’s start with the speculation first. Right now, it is impossible to predict the future however what I will say is that myself and Alan are still committed to resuming normal Wednesday operations as soon as it is practical to do so. Will we still feel the same way in a years’ time if we’re still not racing? There’s no way we can answer that and we’ll just have to cross that bridge if we get to it.
So when can we go racing? The hall committee have made their assessment in line with the current government guidelines as to how many people can be in each part of the hall while maintaining social distancing and for us it is not good news. By the very nature of what we do, we leave the largest part of the hall empty except for a few marshals. The limits currently being set by the hall are 32 people in the main hall, 6 on the stage and 8 in the pavilion. The cloakroom, foyer and kitchen must remain clear. The situation is non-negotiable and the hall committee’s word is final. The hall has 14 clubs/groups that hire the hall on a regular basis. All 14 (including us) have deferred returning to the hall until 2021. Some, like us, are not returning yet because the numbers allowed simply don’t make it practical. The others are not comfortable retuning yet for their own reasons and concerns over safety. The government guidance is changing all the time but until there is a significant change in the social distancing requirements, there is nothing we can do.
So there you have it folks, it is unlikely that we will return this year and we don’t know when we will return next year. In the meantime, Barham is back up and running and I know Les would love to see you there if you fancy giving it a go. EPR isn’t open yet, but I’m sure they will be as soon as they are able so keep tabs on their Facebook page etc. to get the latest news.
Stay safe and hopefully this will all be a distant memory soon 🙂
Jon and Alan.
COVID-19 Message from the BRCA SoutHeast Regional Rep – Steve Brooke
Hi there, some or all of you may have received or seen the content of the email sent to clubs and officials.
It’s quite clear in it’s requirements and I know some clubs have already adopted these requirements, could ALL please share by the usual means, social media, websites or even face2face (though that may not be the best policy if following current advice and guidelines!).
We may have to re-visit the calendar once further guidance has been issued but obviously there are limitations on dates available and the longevity of the season.
As you can also see it is recommended that clubs also adopt the same principals, and clubs in other Regions are stating that practice is also not allowed, this is obviously difficult to police at the likes of Barham, Plough and EPR due to the nature of their sites. Will leave up to club officials to advise.
Thanks for you assistance in these difficult times, as you can see further announcements are expected, will forward anything relevant!
Steve Brooke